November 12, 2021 No Comments


Drafting up a decent resume is one thing. Deciding whether to put your photo on it is another. It takes a lot of doubts and calculations to arrive at the right conclusion and complete your CV. We have decided to facilitate this task for you and guide you through the process of thinking. Besides, today in the age of Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn it takes only a couple of minutes to find out how you look (and much, much more, so beware of social networks while on job search).

Before settling on some decision, visualize:

  • What industry you are working in (service, show biz or other);
  • Whether you can afford to hire a good photographer;
  • Whether you can point a potential employer to other sources of your professional image.

When you have answers to these questions ready, the decision will come to you easily.

Basically, today it is not recommended to put a picture on your CV because first of all, it can lead to discrimination (or accusation of discrimination practiced by employers). The rise in such accusations led to situations where blind selection takes place, that is, names, pictures, and college names are hidden and only qualifications and experience are visible. So with or without a picture, expertise, and experience rule.

But if you plan to work in the service industry where you see lots of people, in acting, modeling and some other areas that require certain appearance, include the picture.  However, be careful about what picture to include.

How to Put a Photo on a Resume?

It is better not to include a picture at all than to include a low quality or inappropriate one. So before pasting your smiling face into the CV look critically at the image and decide, whether you would pick such an applicant if you were a recruiter.

  • What picture to put on your resume?

The quality of an image should be very high. Selfie or a cutout of some travel group photo will not do. Dress formally if you apply for some position that means self-presentation as a serious, reputable expert (banking, finances, law). Dress in business casual or smart casual if your work is less representative and basically requires comfort for you all day long. Smile a little or stay serious while photo shoot happens. And yes, a good photographer is a must. No photographer – no photo at all.

If you have a good picture of you on LinkedIn profile, use this picture on the CV as well. If it is known as your professional brand across the web, let the employer know it and remember it.

  • What size should your resume photo be?

The picture should be high resolution, but it should take as little space on the resume as possible. So a typical passport size picture is fine. It should show your face, maybe shoulders, and nothing else. A simple hairstyle, natural makeup, no loud jewelry (unless it is part of your professional image).

  • Where to put photo in resume?

Where it is easy to find. The top right-hand corner is okay. Just keep it small and tidy. Besides, to give HRs understanding of how you look, it is not necessary to put a photo right into the CV.

  • Include the URL of your LinkedIn profile

Instead of pasting your picture right into a resume, you can paste a link to your LinkedIn profile. This is a reason you should have it. Just remember, the requirements to resume picture apply to LinkedIn profile as well. It should identify you as a professional, not as a happy traveler or a party-goer.

  • Add a photo to your networking resume

If a resume is used for networking, i.e. for making connections with people at large events or with the purpose of getting a job through third-party assistance, it also needs a picture. People will remember your face better than your name, and then it will trigger a whole lot of memories related to a business environment where they saw you. Here you go, you are at once tagged as professional in their minds.

Basic Tips for Your Resume or CV Photo

Seems like we’ve covered all points, but let’s go through the checklist of do’s and don’ts of a resume picture.


  • Include a professional photo – good photographers are not that pricey, but the results are great;
  • Consider the dress code of a company you apply to (be smart for a company with smart dress culture, be informal for an informal one);
  • Match your resume picture and your LinkedIn picture – build your personal brand on the go.


  • Use a very big photo, no matter how you like it – resume should talk about your qualifications, not show off your tan;
  • Overdo makeup or hair (if it is not what you will wear on stage as your job, for example);
  • Use selfie shots or shots made by friends – they do not look professional and hint that you do not care much about making a good impression.

We hope that now you can handle the question of the picture on a resume with more confidence, and this is just what we wanted to accomplish. Use our tips to build yourself a cool and professionally looking resume!

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